ChatGPT api 用了一两天突然无法返回数据的解决办法,附国内免翻网站

Author: 陌小雨Date: 2023-05-19View: 351


前提是你没有收到来自noreply@tm.openai.com的api被终止的通知哦 如下:

Hi yourname,

After a thorough investigation, we have determined that you or a member of your organization are using the OpenAI API in ways that violate our policies.

Due to this breach we are halting access to the API immediately for the organization moxiaoyu. Common reasons for breach include violations of our usage policies or accessing the API from an unsupported location. You may also wish to review our Terms of Use.

If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact us through our help center. We will review appeals within one business day and will contact you if we reinstate access to the API.

The OpenAI team

在科学上网状态登录,删除旧的api keys,只保留最新的一个,旧的都删除,然后重新测试,如果发现还是无法使用,再新建一个api keys 并且删除所有旧的即可。


